It's been a month already since my last entry and so much has happened in that period of time. Most of it not really stuff that i want to post here. Medical junk and complications. Stuff like that. The one thing that i should mention is that starting today, my driving privileges have been temporarily been revoked. Changes in certain medications that i am currently using require a period of adjustment and so, for about 6 months, i'm going to have to be thumbin' for rides, etc. It's a bummer for me, and just more hassle for my lovely wife, Eileen.
Anyway, somebody who i shared this information with suggested (jokingly) that i get my bicycle out of the garage, and this brought up an interesting point. When someone does lose their license, why is it automatically assumed that they are still able to use the roads using bicycles?? If a driver is seen as a potential risk due to current medical condition, why would it matter what that person is using as a transportatory device?
Bikers, cyclists mostly, who use the highways are a major pet peeve of mine. I'm sure that most of you have experienced moments of agitation and others of shock, when that cyclist, you, and the truck approaching from the opposite direction all seem to meet at the same place at the same time. And it is usually on a road with a very small shoulder or no shoulder at all.
A very perilous, if not dangerous, situation no matter who's driving. It is situations just like this that make me feel that cyclists should not be allowed full access to roadway. Limitations must be placed to protect the biker and the driver alike. AND, what if that biker happens to be some dude, like me, who has decided to pedal his way through a driver's suspension. Definitely not a good idea to begin with. And it becomes even worse if the cyclist (and there's gonna be more and more of them, count on that) is responsible for an accident.
There's more. As a driver, i have the ability to report the errant and dangerous actions of another motorist to the police by relaying his license to them. It is all too common to see bicyclists use the roads without obeying their laws. They constantly ride through stop signs, red lights. They fail to yield, and rarely ride single file when traveling in groups. Often they ride 3 abreast even as traffic approaches. These are all inconsiderate and potentially dangerous actions. But how do i report those actions? There are no licenses required on bicycles, hence no objective way to post a report.
I know that there have been a surprising number of cycle-related accidents and resulting deaths in my area of SE Pennsylvania to date. And that number will only increase as the average joe attempts to battle the outrageous cost of gas.
I could go on, but i've read what i've already wrote, and it reads like a rant. I don't like to rant a lot. I wish that i had a working segue to a current product in Bakktalk Online Gifts. I don't. But, maybe a few of you readers would like to offer a suggestion or two for a design relating to my rant. Feel free. Sometimes i just burn out, and the suggestions are always welcomed.
I KNOW there are many considerate cyclists out there. I know a few of them, myself. I just don't believe that it is no longer safe enough to allow motor vehicles and bicycles to share the same roads. Send me your opinions. Go ahead and change my mind. I dare ya.
bakk at it,