Thursday, June 17, 2010

Warming Up to Summer!

I stick my head into the designing mode, and the next thing i know, it's the middle of June and the birds outside are laughing at the old man at the window (that's me.) What happened to Spring? A lot of rain and wind and even some late snow, but it came and went so fast! I know i'll be saying the same kind of thing this Autumn, but i'll worry about that then.
First, there's not a lot of changes here at Bakktalk, which i suppose has its good & bad points. Just more and more designing as usual. Hopefully, they are improving as we attempt to
improve ourselves. We are, though, creating a new website that'll blow your sox off once it's done. And i have no idea when that's going to happen, since i'm not the one working that item.
One thing that i do want to direct your attention to is a little promotional video that i produced and posted on YouTube. It's
more commonly known as "Bakktalk on YouTube". It's short and sweet; just the way i like them. I hope you take a minute to watch it. It's had very few views since we put it up; surprising when you consider that it's only one of about a billion other vids there *sigh* If you have any suggestions or comments, please pass them on. We always appreciate your input.
I personally very much hate the hot and humid weather, but Summer comes either way. I do enjoy that which comes with Summer; baseball, picnics, cool breezes, the song of the tree frogs at night, water battles, etc. I hope that you enjoy the pleasures that Summer brings to you and that you focus your attention on the here and now. And enjoy it as much as you can. Time goes too forward fast (PA Dutch) for one to ignore the present.
Until the next time, here's hoping that you all stay safe!


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