That's right. When i say the back end of the holidays, i mean just that. I sincerely hope that everyone has taken the time this season to make the best of it, and squeeze every last second out of it. Soon enough, if we allow it, the feelings of good cheer and peace to our fellow man will fade as the media and our routine drag us back to the daily grind. We both know it'll happen. But, i can say that for a little while; a week or so; it was nice to be able to leave the crap behind and just enjoy what Christmas is to us. Somehow, what Christmas is entirely overshadows whatever else is tossed at us. Because... That is exactly what we want it to do. What a singularly magical time in our existence!

While most of us can escape for a short time during the winter holiday season, eventually we are back into it soon enough. For me, January is really kind of a wash; it always has been. But what really jerks me back to reality is
Valentine's Day on February 14th. Like many insensitives, I've never had much regard for this
"Hallmark Holiday"... The image to the right is from an actual valentine's day postcard published circa 1910. Almost 100 years of disgusting, stomach-wretching drivel. And it doesn't look like it's going to abate any time soon, as long as there is money to be made. That reminds me, below is one of my valentines day designs:

... and here is the link to that so-clever product line, the
Certified Romance Technician, for those of you who must purchase one (or more) now! Since this design is fairly new, it's still in featured in the
"Newest Designs" sections; it won't be in the
"Seasonal Offerings" section for a week or so just yet.
Valentines Day will be here and gone before we know it, so keep the
"General Store" section bookmarked. That one has by far the widest range of everyday ideas and designs, and grows almost daily. The more i work in the General Store the more i like it. What i would really like the best is some input from you, dear readers. Is there something that you'd like to see? Are there some ideas that you'd like me to work on? Do you have any questions? As always, you can e-mail me at
Well, i didn't say it yet, but of course i wish you all a very healthy, successful and prosperous 2007. If someone asked me right now about how i feel about 2007, i'd change the subject i think.
Here's hoping that i'm wrong, as usual and that you, me and Bakktalk Online Gifts all have a hard time finding a way to get it all to the bank this year!!!
Bill Adams
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