Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Woodburnings, Fungus and Bakktalk...

Woodburnings. Fungus. Bakktalk.

It's crazytalk, you say. And maybe up to now it was. But, soon, very soon, i will be unveiling a new and completely new section in Bakktalk Online Gifts completely dedicated to a series of woodburnings that i had personally done over a period of 25 years. What makes these perhaps most curious is that i used a type of tree fungus as the "canvas". I apologize in advance, but i will not even offer any previews here. I am extremely excited to announce this section. I have absolutely no idea how it will be received. I only know how the original pieces sold as they were presented in art shows over the years. Unfortunately, many of my best pieces were sold without being photographed first. My fault, my loss.

When i unveil the new section, i will tell you more about it. How it all began. Where i got my "canvases", etc. For now, this is just a note to let you know that woodburnings, fungi and Bakktalk will soon come together... finally.

Meanwhile, i have some traveling to do, some additional photos to take, to continue work on this section. My hope is to have this section ready for viewing one month from today.

Fingers are crossed!

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