Wednesday, April 09, 2008


... Bakktalk has its own website. It went live as of yesterday, April 8th: I honestly know very little about website construction and have finally enlisted the services of a local young web designer to get me up and running. I thank Gary for the time and hard work he has put into it so far.

This is kind of a big deal for me and Bakktalk. I spend the majority of my time working on the next new design to make available (looking for that one special "cash cow" graphic...), and at this point have by my count, almost 400 unique designs available for your browsing pleasure and purchase. Now my next step is to start advertising the site in every way that i can. Like even here on my Blog...

I understand that having my own site and domain can only benefit the efforts put forth here at Bakktalk, and i can only hope that, with some work, Bakktalk Online Gifts grows in customer popularity and, of course, in sales.

I'd really like to get some feedback from you dear readers on the site. Please take a minute to check the site out and shoot me a comment. If nothing else, i will at least know that someone is reading these posts. Besides the government, that is.

As always keep an eye out for new designs on a regular basis. One of these days you're gonna find one that's just right for you!

1 comment:

Yojay said...

I checked out your site and poked around. You have a fairly serious typo here:

i.e. Mattress Coyboy?