Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Not Just Another Pretty Face...

Bakktalk Online Gifts is growing steadily with more designs being added weekly. If i were you, (imagine that...) i'd stop in on a fairly regular basis. I've just begun a "Lobbyist" design series . A lobbyist is a person who tries to influence legislation on behalf of a special interest, like the oil or tobacco or corn industry. My series presents a humorous twist on the subject of lobbyists. For instance, would you like to be an Ice Cream Lobbyist, or how about a Meatloaf Lobbyist, or a Lima Bean Lobbyist. Ok... Some ideas are better than others, but you get the idea. And, speaking of ideas, e-mail me with an idea for a lobbyist design. Feel free to e-mail me at with your suggestions; if your design is used in the series, you will receive a design of your choice.

So, one of the other things i wanted to pass on to you, dear reader, is that i am announcing my new Photo Restoration Website, complete with many samples, pricing, and other pertinent information. And since you asked, the link to that site is:

It's certainly not the prettiest site (i'm not a web designer...) but i hope it makes my point. And the point is that my image restoration services are always available. Just e-mail me at the above address with any questions you may have. I'm here 24/7!

Please have a very safe and memorable Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday season. It can be a very intense time for some, a very sad time for others and an extremely demanding time for others still. Treat each other with a little extra compassion and understanding at this time of year. It may well be the best gift that person receives this season.



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