Saturday, January 09, 2010

Shameless Advertising...

Happy New Year to you all; my adoring readers, and may the best of 2010 land in your collective lap. How many times have you've been involved in such a wish? Ok... you think about that while i take this time and space to hawk the availability (to buy) of a sweet little upstate NY mountain getaway/home/cabin. I won't say much here except to direct you to my YouTube link here: It's not the prettiest or most professional piece ever done, but it get's the point across.

What the heck. If some of you aren't interested in any of the products here at Bakktalk Online Gifts, maybe some of you will be interested in a nice snug cabin and a sweet little deal to boot. What i'd really like for the new year is for the sale of this property to happen and for the buyer to fill it with a ton of my shop items. Yes... it's true. I can dream, can't i.

There it is: my shameless unabashed property advertisement.

That's really the extent of this post, other than the standard request that all of you continue to scan my shop on a weekly basis for new designs and even some new products, which i will probably post a blog about soon.

May you all enjoy your winter from the warm comfort of your snug comfortable home. And if that's not happening, please take a second look at the link... Seriously, here's hoping that all of you enjoy good health and good will toward your fellow man. Until next time.

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